Website Audit is Important

Do you know the health status of your website? It is very likely that your company has a web page with different content that defines you as a business group and that also is a fundamental sales tool. The opposite can even happen, that you have a web page but it is not giving the desired results. That is when the question arises: have you considered doing a web audit?

Requiring a web audit from a specialized agency can be very costly and running into thousands of dollars. The fundamental tool to be able to know the contents and elements necessary to be able to position your website on the top search engine pages can be achieve with very little sum while you get the best form of service delivery. And the thing is that there are thousands of companies on the net, knowing this market perfectly through a meticulous analysis carried out by professionals provides advantages for your company in relation to the competition. You know your company, objectives and sector, we know the medium. Together we will find the optimal keys and strategies to make you known in this market.

This article will show why you need to have your website audited while you trust us to help you achieve the best our of website with a fraction of what you will pay some “big” agencies.

Why is an audit important?
Carrying out an audit is the previous step to carrying out an SEO or web positioning strategy . Based on a study, the external ( offpage ) and internal ( onpage ) factors surrounding the positioning of your website are analyzed . Allowing you to know the usability, optimization and security of your site . In this way, an audit will be carried out once we have created the website and not before to be able to observe the turning points of the website and provide a concrete solution.

Another important element that we will see when conducting a web audit is the behavior of the content . Well, having a static web page does not generate visits and interaction with the user, in addition to lacking web positioning. The ideal is to add content or new products constantly , keeping it fresh and updated. But we will never know how effective these contents are, if they are going for good or bad, if we do not carry out a web audit that analyzes them. As for online stores, it is essential to carry out a regular web audit when handling confidential information of your customers and for security reasons it is vital to carry it out.

How should your website be
As we mentioned before, a web audit will help us improve the effectiveness of our page to achieve business objectives, such as attracting customers, generating visibility, purchases, etc. The most important elements to analyze in an audit are:

Include SEO knowledge. Any website made by online marketing professionals is usually designed this way.
Good use of SEO. It’s not about getting quick results, as it could be detrimental to your brand.
Easy drive. Every potential customer of all ages should know how to navigate it.
Adapted to mobile devices. Currently very important element.
Oriented to carry out the actions you want. Your website must allow the client to do whatever you want, such as contacting, calling, etc.

It must be in constant content renewal.
Maintain a strategy. It is advisable to organize the introduction of content and web management through a strateg.
Do not duplicate content with other web pages.
These are some of the factors to take into account , but they are only a few of an extensive list where they are studied from possible broken links, site indexing status, brand presence in social networks to the encrypted information on your website . An in-depth analysis done by professionals that will make you go beyond the visual part and web design, providing data and formulas that can help your brand in a great way.


Parts of a web audit
We could say that the elements to be analyzed in an audit are divided into four large blocks that complement each other. Allowing us to solve possible technical problems, identify competitors and their strategy, and know if we are using our content well. In this way, we could delimit the blocks in:

Usability : We refer to the ease that the user finds when browsing the website. Checking the quality of the content, possible broken links, observing the user’s perception, and even seeing the clarity of the navigation.
Conversion : Those factors that influence so that the web reaches the objective that you want with the users. Elements where they should pay attention, brand visibility, forms, etc.
Optimization : Identify those elements that search engines use to position a web page . That is, analyze the keywords, the HTML code, the images, the indexing status of the site, the structure of the URLs, the SEO factors found on each page, etc.
Security : Security on your website is essential so that hackers do not enter and have the opportunity to harm your brand. In the audit, the security vulnerabilities of the web will be found in order to prevent these actions.
Each web page has some characteristics or others, and therefore each audit focuses on the objectives of the brand or company , managing specific tasks for each company according to the needs that are exposed.

When is an audit done?
There is no set frequency to perform a web audit. It is usually when the company considers it appropriate or necessary to leave the control of the health of your website in the hands of experts. Think about it this way, we all get frequent check-ups at the doctor and your website cannot be less, because it is what potential clients will see of you. Being aware of the current position will allow you to advance to new proposals or trends at the business level and as a brand.

When there is greater control and analysis of the sector in the field of the internet, the chances of hitting your web strategy increase exponentially.

In the event that you have a website that has not been created by online marketing professionals or with knowledge in SEO, we recommend that you do not hesitate and get to work to solve your concerns . Well, if you leave it longer it will be more and more difficult to achieve the level that your brand could reach.

Take it as a turning point, that help that we all need to achieve our goals and where a correction and correction of errors in the end is very beneficial for you. Bet on your website!

RECOMMENDATION: I provide detailed SEO report, competitor website audit and recommendations to help your website get back on right track. GET CHEAP WEBSITE AUDIT SERVICE FROM ME — CLICK HERE

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